How much is a full tummy tuck in Turkey?

What is the price of an abdominoplasty in Turkey? A complete abdominoplasty performed in Turkey, in Istanbul by Body Expert's partner clinics, costs between £1500/€1800 and £3500/€4000 all included, depending on the extent of the operation

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Gastric Balloon Treatments in Turkey

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed in Antalya

Gastric sleeve surgery removes 75-80% of the stomach to reduce the amount of food you eat and help you lose weight fast.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price in Antalya & Turkey
Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price is an article that aims to give you all the information you do not know about Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price and more. We kindly shared the main headings with you;
  1. What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  2. What are the Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  3. Who is Eligible for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  4. How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?
  5. How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?
  6. What are the Possible Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  7. Death Risk of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
  8. How Many Pounds Can Be Lost with Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  9. How Long Do Gastric Surgery Results Last?
  10. How is the Recovery Process After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  11. Is it Safe to Have a Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey?
  12. How is the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price?

Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price in Turkey vs Other Countries

Gastric Sleeve Surgery All-Inclusive Package in Turkey
Gastric Sleeve in Turkey Treatment Summary (Cost, Duration, Hospital Stay, etc..)
  • What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery is a type of bariatric surgery, also known as gastric sleeve surgery or gastric sleeve surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery removes 75-80% of the stomach to reduce the amount of food you eat and help you lose weight fast.
Gastric sleeve surgery is performed laparoscopically. Your surgeon makes a small incision in the upper abdomen and closes it. Most of the left side of the abdomen is removed. Because the remainder of the stomach looks like a narrow tube (sleeve), this surgery is called a nasogastric tube. As before surgery, food flows from the stomach into the small intestine. It is not synthesized or modified in the small intestine. After surgery, you will feel full with less food and you will start to lose weight.
With a gastric sleeve, it is possible to lose all excess weight in one year to 1.5 years.
What are the Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy can offer benefits such as less pain, less risk of infection, faster recovery and return to daily activities, very small skin incisions, and less time in hospital.
In addition to its benefits, gastric sleeve surgery offers:
Average weight loss of 40% to 70% in a year
The gastric function is maintained due to the lack of changes to the gastric inlet and outlet valves during surgery. Since no changes are made in the small intestine, possible mild vitamin and mineral deficiencies can also be seen as an advantage of this procedure.
Who is Eligible for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
  • 1- Age between 18 and 65 years old
  • 2- BMI over 40 (more than 35 for patients with serious health problems from obesity)
  • 3- Psychological readiness
  • 4- Patients who wish to undergo weight loss surgery but are at risk of long procedures such as gastric bypass.
  • 5- People who are ready to change their life commitment to a healthy lifestyle
  • 6- The most important requirement for international patients who wish to undergo weight loss surgery in Turkey is the opportunity to travel to Turkey.
How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?
To perform a full laparoscopic gastric sleeve surgery, known as “closed” surgery or LSG, general anesthesia is required in the hospital, and your surgeon will make about five small incisions in the abdomen.
The surgeon then performs the procedure using a long, thin telescope with a tiny camera on the end. An instrument passed through the incision is used to remove about 80% of the abdomen. and experienced laparoscopic surgeons can perform as many laparoscopic procedures as in open surgery.
The stomach is inflated by injecting carbon dioxide into stomach. A special tool called a trocar is then used to penetrate the inside of the abdomen. First, place the silicone tube from the mouth to the pylorus to adjust the remaining width of the stomach. It is secreted from the fatty tissue surrounding the stomach, adjacent blood vessels, and spleen. The excess hull is then cut and separated with special tools called braces. The remaining gastric volume is about 80-150 ml.
This severed part is removed from the stomach and sent to pathology. Bleeding in the excised and fixed site is then monitored. If necessary, additional metal brackets can be used or additional seams can be placed.
In addition, if necessary, certain medications can be applied to the wound to stop the bleeding. A silicone drain is then placed on the surgical area to drain the accumulated fluid. The wound is closed aesthetically, and the procedure is complete.
How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?
The operation is performed under general anesthesia. Gastric sleeve surgery takes an average of 1.5 hours. Since the inlet and outlet passages into the stomach are protected and continuity in the digestive system is ensured, the risk after gastric tube surgery is low and some side effects are reported to be very small. Gastric sleeve surgery is the most preferred surgical treatment method for obesity today. Like all surgeries, gastric reduction surgery can have negative consequences if it is not performed with a team of specialists, under the right conditions, and with the right technique.
What are the Possible Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery also involves the overall risks associated with any surgical procedure. A team of professionals should always be with you before, during, and after surgery.
The possible specific complication of this operation is breathing problems, which can occur due to the mobilization of blood clots in the veins of the legs depending on the patient’s weight, especially the leakage of sutures and associated abscesses, and is observed in 1%. The reasons for this decline are the widespread use of the procedure, the increase in the number of testing centers and surgeons, and advances in the technology used.
Death Risk of Gastric Sleeve Surgery
The risk of this surgery in the surgical application is mostly related to the fear factor.
Especially as an overweight person, there are serious problems after surgery, even if the risk of death is the main reason for the negative outlook.
Mortality rates by general and surgical type have been reported:
  • 1% in a gastric band clamp
  • 15% for vertical band gastroplasty,
  • 54% in gastric bypass,
  • 8% for biliopancreatic anomalies,
  • And the overall average is 0.25% when all types of operations are evaluated.
And according to research, the risk of appendicitis and gallbladder surgery is slightly higher in obese people than in normal people. However, this risk does not mean death. For example, the premature mortality rate is about 2 percent in cardiovascular surgery and 1000 in bariatric surgery. Before gastric tube surgery
Patients are fully educated about these risks by the doctors in the hospital who performs gastric tube surgery. Obesity surgeries are not aesthetic surgeries! Because the life expectancy of obese patients is reduced by 10-15 years due to obesity.
And the risks associated with obesity were significantly higher than the risks of gastric tube surgery. In obese people undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, the risks associated with other health problems such as liver lubrication, risk of kidney disease, sugar, or high blood pressure are eliminated.
Therefore, bariatric surgery is low risk and surgery that reduces the risk of other surgeries.
How Many Pounds Can Be Lost with Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
In general, most of the patients become very thin after gastric sleeve surgery. The rate of weight loss is about 70% of overweight. Most of the weight loss occurs in the first year, and a year later there will be more weight loss after two years, but the weight usually remains stable.
Because it is almost impossible not to lose weight with a tube after gastric surgery. Just as there are patients whose weight drops to their ideal weight, there are also patients whose weight loss is insufficient. In subsequent reports of a large patient cohort, the long-term rate of weight loss was approximately 85-90%. A small number of patients may regain weight over a period. However, the chance of returning to the old weights is 1%
Like all obesity surgeries, gastric surgery does not promise concrete value for weight reduction. Closed gastric sleeve surgery significantly reduces appetite and limits the amount of food that can be eaten during meals.
Patients who start losing weight immediately notice a positive change in their thinking. When the cycle of daily life is limited, poor nutrition and inactivity are disturbed for a short time. It becomes easier to adopt a healthier lifestyle. As a result, patients who followed a regular daily routine after surgery, including a balanced diet and physical activity, achieved better results.
How Long Do Gastric Surgery Results Last?
This process depends on the patient’s condition and diet. You will get the most effective results from the third month after surgery. But if we evaluate it for a long time, you will get perfect results within 1 year. This period is the middle period. If you don’t follow the list of diets recommended by your doctor after surgery, it will take longer to see results after surgery. You may not even get results. In conclusion: You need to wait 3 to 6 months to get the most effective results. This is a normal period, and the results of the surgery will appear gradually. Keep eating according to your diet list and don’t neglect health checks.
How is the Recovery Process After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Patients who have a desk job can return to work within 7-10 days after surgery. But for the patients with severe labor, restriction lasts up to 3 weeks after surgery. Anyone returning to work after day 7 should also avoid movements that put pressure on the abdominal wall.
However, discharged patients are expected to return to normal life as soon as possible. Daily activities reduce the risk of embolism. Due to the closed access, patients can quickly return to their daily lives after laparoscopic gastric reduction surgery. In closed skin surgery, a small incision of about half a centimeter is made and this incision, which is a hidden suture, is completely healed after a week.
The tapered abdominal suture heals completely in about ten days. In other words, the patient is at risk of leaking for about ten days. For this reason, strenuous activity and a solid diet are not recommended for the first ten days. If the patient undergoing surgery does not perform strenuous work using muscle strength, he can start working after a week.
Is it Safe to Have a Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey?
Gastric sleeve surgery is one of the most serious and difficult obesity surgeries. You definitely need to choose the right surgeon and circumstances.
And in Turkey, gastric inserts are the safest solution for you because:
  • There are the most experienced surgeons and clinics in Turkey.
  • You also will be safe during your stay in Turkey.
  • The tests and tests performed before surgery will determine if you are a good candidate for surgery.
  • After surgery, you will be examined by professionals and given dietary guidelines before returning to your home country.
  • With this approach, your operations in Turkey will be carried out safely and efficiently.
How is the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price?
The Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price can vary depending on the experience of the surgeon, the quality and amount of material used in the surgery, the cost of the examination, and hospital fees. The Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price in private clinics is naturally higher. While there are price differences in many parts of the world, it is not money that counts in these operations, but healthy results. Although differences in exchange rates and conditions in other countries/regions affect prices, the pricing is of course visible in general.

The average price of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is €3,500.00 (all inclusive package), however, the price may vary from clinic to clinic and there are several other factors that can affect the average price of gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey.

But more importantly, in most cases, the cost is highly dependent on the patient’s condition, which is why consulting an experienced provider is often the best alternative.     
Gastric Sleeve Surgery Price in Turkey vs Other Countries
Below is an overview of gastric sleeve surgery costs in 11 countries including North America, Europe and Turkey.
As you can see, gastric bypass prices in the US are the highest of the 11 countries we visited, averaging €18,000. In the UK one has to pay around 10,000 euros, in the United Arab Emirates almost 8,000 euros. In some other countries, such as the Czech Republic and Mexico, where gastric sleeve surgery costs around €4,800, the price is lower than in other regions, especially in Poland and Germany, where prices range from €6,000 to €7,000. However, gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey is the cheapest, around €3,500, and makes sense as the overall cost and cost of living in Turkey is lower than the other countries mentioned in the chat above. Also, it is not only the actual operating costs but also the gastric sleeve medical package which includes transportation, patient accommodation, hotel accommodation, translation, etc.
Gastric Sleeve Surgery All-Inclusive Package in Turkey
All operation costs include all the expenses below:
  • Preoperative Examinations
  • Examination of Anesthesia Physician
  • Examination of chest Diseases Physician
  • Examination of Cardiology Physician
  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery by Surgeon
  • Latest Technology Operating Room Supplies (Medtronic)
  • General Anesthesia
  • 1 Year Post-Operation Physician control (Online Support)
  • 1 Year Dietician Support after Operation (Online Support)
  • Lifelong Patient Care after Operation (Online Support)
  • Drugs to be used after surgery
  • Supplements to be used after surgery
  • Varicose Vein Stockings
  • Breathing Exercise Device
  • VIP Transfers (Airport-Hotel, Hotel-Hospital, etc.)
  • 3-4 Nights Hotel Accommodation
Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Safe in Turkey?
It is completely safe. There are many experienced surgeons and well-equipped hospitals in Turkey. You can have the surgery safely. In addition, the price is much cheaper than in other countries. In short, it offers many benefits to patients in every way. Turkey is the best in this regard.
Can I get Finance for Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Turkey?
A special payment package has been created for you for gastric sleeve surgery in Turkey. You cannot pay for this process in installments. Payment is made in advance. Payment is made by credit card or cash. Payment must be completed before operation. You can use the payment method that is most convenient for you. If you purchase an all-inclusive package, you can pay for accommodation and transportation this way. You do not need to make any other payments other than the amount determined by the clinic.
Why is Turkey the Cheapest Country in Europe for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric Sleeve Surgery, which is one of the most expensive surgeries in obesity surgeries, is performed at an affordable price in Turkey. Because in Turkey there are many doctors and clinics who are experts in this field. The demand-supply stream is abundant. If you are planning to come to Turkey from abroad for gastric sleeve surgery, make sure you make the right choice. Turkey is a budget country in healthcare.
Why Not Trust the Gastric Sleeve Surgery Reviews on the Forums?
As you know, the internet is a wealth of knowledge and nowadays people rely on Google or other search engines to find the information they need. Even when we buy candy, we seek comments from those who have bought it before.
However, when deciding where to go and which clinic to choose, it is not advisable to search on Google, because comments are usually manipulated by people who do not understand science. Instead, you should watch surgery videos uploaded by surgeons